Wednesday 13 July 2016


PM May

Mrs. Theresa May, the British Prime Minister designate has instructed government workers to start searching for a building to accommodate the many people that will be given the responsibility of working out on ways to get Britain out the EU.

Mrs May will be put under serious pressure immediately she is given the keys to No. 10 Downing Street today from members of the European Union to trigger Article 50 within the shortest possible time.

Stiff opposition from Scotland and Northern Ireland are also one of the issues awaiting her due to their resolve to remain in the EU.

Though Members of Parliament are expected to put the issue of EU to debate which may possibly call for a second referendum in September, after over 4 million people signed a petition calling for a fresh vote.

The issue of gender equality will also be one of the things she may put to an end. According to Sky’s Political Editor Faisal Islam: “One in three cabinet members are women right now. It looks like she’s going to try to push that up to half – that would be five more cabinet ministers who are women”.

Today, David Cameron will be attending his last Prime Minister’s Questions in the Commons at lunchtime, after which, he will be going to Buckingham palace to tender his resignation.

Thereafter, Mrs. May will have an audience with Her Majesty, when she will accept, the Queen’s offer to form a new government before going back to Number 10 as new Prime Minister.

Unifying the Tories by offering major roles to colleagues from both sides of the EU referendum is one thing she is ready to do.

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