Sunday 12 March 2017

British Government expresses serious concerns over the influx of migrants as summer draws nearer

Illegal immigrants during summer

It has been revealed that within the 67 days of this year, about 20,000 migrants from different parts of the world have crossed to Europe’s mainland by sea. And experts have warned that the trend may increase each day as summer draws nearer with a fairer weather condition expected in the Mediterranean.

Accordingly, the French government have proactively moved ahead to close six motorways service stations leading to Calais in order to make it impossible for illegal immigrants sneak into UK-board lorries.

James Hookham, deputy chief executive of the Freight Transport Association, has stated that: “Our members have reported signs that migrants are returning to Calais and French motorway operator Sanef’s move to close truck parking areas at services near the port due to problems confirms this.

“The French authorities need to take action before the situation gets any worse.

“We don’t want to see a return to last summer’s chaos when drivers suffered threats and intimidation at unprecedented levels.”

Tory MP and Brexit Secretary David Davies said: “The European nations are aiding and abetting this chaotic exodus by sending out rescue boats to pick up thousands of migrants trying to enter the Continent illegally from North Africa.

“They should be taking them straight back to ports and safe refugee camps so they are not incentivised to risk their lives trying.

“I hope this worrying development doesn’t herald the return to the chaotic events of last year.”

Report has  it that British drivers have for over two years faced with a wave of life threatening scenarios on their way to Calais ferry terminal, as these migrants always use burning blockaded as a way of forcing drivers to slow down all vehicles going back to the UK in order to help them break into the lorries.

Road Haulage Association chief executive Richard Burnett have also said: “We always advise our international drivers not to stop within 100 miles of Calais unless they absolutely have to.

"To even consider yet another summer of misery is quite simply out of the question.

“If Sanef remains resolute not to reopen the rest areas we will be demanding more security is deployed on the approach roads and that includes the French military.”

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