Thursday 30 March 2017

Top EU leaders make frantic moves to entice Mrs May block Brexit, despite triggering Article 50

EU Parliament

It has been reported that the European Union Parliament is working hard to draft a resolution in response to Theresa May’s formal notice of the UK’s exit from the union.

Though the exact detail of the alleged ploy is yet to be concluded, top MEP have stated that it would stress the PM could still stop the process, if other members of the Union buys in to the idea.

It was also said by Philips Lamberts, the co-leader of the Greens in Parliament’s party that: “We do not want to close the door to common sense.”

Mr Lamberts, a member of the Brexit team, added the resolution will “reference the revocability of Article 50.”

Elmar Brok, a member of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union party, also confirmed such a reference in the draft resolution which is set to be agreed by party leaders and then put to a vote in the legislature next week.

On the other hand, sources claim the bloc's chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, had made relentless effort to discourage lawmakers from making obvious reference to halting the exit.

The president of the EU on his part made it clear after referendum that the remaining 27 member nations of the union would agree to allow the UK retain membership if they change their mind not to leave any more.

Former PM Tony Blair in February called on Britons to "rise up" and try to block Brexit if they could.

But that may no longer be entirely in British hands. One senior EU diplomat said of Blair's campaign: "This bus has left."

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