Tuesday 14 March 2017

Nicola Sturgeon disappointed by EU leaders for saying Scotland will queue up like any to join the union

Scottish independence referendum

Big blow, as Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s push for another independence referendum hits the brick moments after she delivered a speech. Since after the Brexit vote last year, the First Minister has been using clamouring tirelessly for a second referendum to leave the UK, using the issue of membership of the EU single market as an excuse.

It has been said that despite the threat for another IndyRef, Edinburgh will not be given any special treatment in whatever way. This was disclosed by the Commission in a response Sturgeon’s referendum speech.

The First Minister has argued over and over that the EU is going to give the Scottish people a special arrangement for them to remain in the EU if the Scottish people vote in favour of leaving the UK, saying such a move will not in any way cause any controversy, especially in adopting the euro.

However, critics from different quarters have condemned the assertions made by the First Minister, saying it is a pure fantasy. To make it worse, EU leaders have bluntly refused to give any waiver to Scotland even if it breaks out from the UK to retain membership of the EU, as they have resolved to threat Scotland as any other country wanting to join the EU.

This was affirmed by the Commission’s representative as much after being asked about the claims in certain quarters which states that Edinburgh would be made to “turn the clock back to zero” in order to negotiate new EU membership from scratch.

Maragritis Schinas told reporters at a briefing that Brussels would apply the “Barroso doctrine” to Scotland’s case, an argument which states that regions opting for independence automatically lose their EU membership by opting to become a new country.

In 2012 the then Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso slapped down claims by Alex Salmond that Scots could vote to leave Britain and still keep their membership of the bloc, saying it was incompatible with both EU and international law.

He said: "I am not going to speculate now about possible secessions, it is not my job. But I can tell you that to join the European Union, yes, we have a procedure. It is a procedure of international law.

"A new state, if it wants to join the European Union, has to apply to become a member like any state. In fact, I see no country leaving and I see many countries wanting to join.

"A state has to be a democracy first of all, and that state has to apply to become a member of the European Union and all the other member states have to give their consent."

Mr Barroso said: “In case there is a new country, a new state, coming out of a current member state, it will have to apply and the application and the accession to the European Union will have to be approved by all the other member states of the European Union.

“I don’t want to interfere on your referendum here, your democratic discussion here, but of course it will be extremely difficult to get the approval of all the other member states to have a new member coming from one member state.

“We have seen Spain has been opposing even the recognition of Kosovo, for instance.

“So it is to some extent a similar case because it’s a new country and so I believe it’s going to be extremely difficult, if not impossible, a new member state coming out of one of our countries getting the agreement of the others.”

And quizzed about Ms Sturgeon’s announcement of a new independence referendum today, Mr Schinas was less than lukewarm and offered no encouragement whatsoever that Scotland would be in line for EU membership in the event of a vote for secession.

He said: “We’ve got no particular position at the moment because these events are currently taking place.

“The commission fully respects the legal, constitutional rights of the member states to organise things as they like.

“And the Barroso doctrine, whether that would apply? Yes, that would apply, obviously.”

The confirmation throws a huge spanner in the works of Ms Sturgeon’s independence bid, as it means Edinburgh will now have to go through the long and gruelling process of joining the EU and could face its membership being vetoed by other member states.

Theresa May has so far refused to say whether or not the Tories will allow the legislation required for a second vote to pass, whilst Labour has confirmed that it will fight it in Holyrood but will not oppose it if it comes to Westminster.

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