Wednesday 30 November 2016

2017, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Excellence Scholarships at the University of Queensland, Australia


The University of Queensland is offering Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Excellence Scholarships for the 2017 intake. Scholarships are open to Australian and international students to pursue the undergraduate programme.

The purpose of the scholarships is to encourage and assist first-year students in studying information and communications technology.
In order to gain entry to an academic program at UQ, applicants will have to demonstrate they have the appropriate level of English language skills.
Course Level:
Scholarships are available for pursuing the undergraduate programme.

Study Subject:
 Scholarships are awarded in the areas of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology.

Scholarship Award: 
Each scholarship worth $3,000


The scholarship is open to current Year 12 and gap year students who:
·         are Australian students or Permanent Residents of Australia, or
·         are international students who have completed years 11-12 in Australia; and
·         do not hold another similar scholarship; and
·         intend to enrol in one of the following programs in the year of the award:
·         Bachelor of Information Technology; or
·         Bachelor of Multimedia Design; or
·         Bachelor of Engineering; or
·         Bachelor of Engineering (Honours); or
·         a dual program which includes any of the above programs.

Please note - students enrolling in either the Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) must be enrolled in one of the following fields to be eligible for consideration for one of these scholarships:
·         Computer Science; or
·         Electrical Engineering; or
·         Electrical and Biomedical Engineering; or
·         Electrical and Computer Engineering; or
·         Mechatronic Engineering; or
·         Software Engineering

Selection criteria

The scholarship is awarded to the applicant showing the greatest merit based on –
·         academic achievement in secondary school studies; and
·         an interest in studying ICT, as evidenced by a cover letter, short personal statement and a resume; and
·         personal qualities, including leadership skills and extra-curricular activities; and
·         any other matter that the selection committee considers to be relevant to the applicant’s future success in the ICT profession.

 How to apply

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