Monday 11 July 2016


Leadsom and May

Andrea Leadsom was reported to have been crying, as a result of what she thought was a friendly, professional meeting with a Times reporter on Friday, where she was accused of saying as a mother she had the advantage over Theresa May in the race to be the next prime minister.

 “I absolutely said, what I specifically said, is that motherhood should not play a part in the campaign,” says Leadsom. “I was pressed to say how my children had formed my views. I didn’t want it to be used as an issue. Having children has no bearing on the ability to be PM. I deeply regret that anyone has got the impression that I think otherwise.”

When she was asked whether she would like to make an apology to Mrs. May, Leadsom replied saying “I’ve already said to Theresa how very I am for any hurt I have caused and how that article said completely the opposite of what I said and belive.”

Though how her message was passed to Mrs. May was not disclosed, but admitted how she has been under series of attack, under huge stress.

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