Monday 7 November 2016

Dog meat sellers in Bauchi State of Nigeria, said the business is a money making machine to them

Dog meat

While some breed dogs for the sole aim of selling to people who want them as pets, security guards, guide dogs for those who have some degree of visual impairment, it will surprise you to know that, there are those who breed them for sale as meat to dog eaters as dogs are said to be a favourite delicacy to certain communities in Africa.

Report has it that ladies in Tafawa Balewa town of Bauchi State have now taken over the business of offering dog  meat, that was in the past a male dominated business, as they make huge profit from the trade.

According to journalists who paid visit to the community, the business was giving money related aid to so many ladies. A lot of the ladies said they went into the business on the grounds that the menfolk showed up not to be occupied with the business any more.

The ladies when interviewed stated that before, dog meat business was solely saved for the men-society, however it had now turned into a comprehensive business for both men and ladies.

One Mrs. Lucy John, who happened to be a butcher said that a few ladies chose to take to the trade in light of the fact that their male partners were steadily relinquishing it and wandering into different forms of trade. She said that canine meat, being a delicacy in the region, was quick turning into a rare item in the market in light of the fact that the male butchers were forsaking the business gradually.

John said the disregard of the business by men had opened up an open door for ladies to get ready and offer canine meat, as well as breed and market the creature, particularly in view of the lucrative way of the business.

Speaking further, she stated that huge cash is being made during festive season since canines were costly, with the slightest cost being N5000.

She said “The abandonment of the trade by men created an opportunity for me and other women to make money, feed our family and satisfy other needs of our people.

“Selling dog meat is the best as people in the community love eating the meat.”

John said amid the festival of a yearly social celebration in Tafawa Balewa, she butchered four pooches which costed her N25, 000, sold the meat and made enormous benefit.

He said, “We need to do this for survival and since dog meat is preferred in this community, we make business out of it.

“I used to slaughter only one dog at a time but I now kill six.”

Another lady, whose name is given as Mrs Blessing John, likewise authenticated the announcement of Lucy, saying this was boom time' in view of the just ended and approaching season of celebrations.

She said she had butchered six mutts amid a social celebration which came to an end of recent, including that every "piece" of meat was sold at N100.

She said, “Our men no longer do this (selling dog meat) because they are no longer interested, and for us women, we need to survive, as such had to engage in the trade since the patronage is very high.

Madam Kyauta Illiya, a buyer of pooch meat, clarified that the delicacy had an interesting taste accordingly she favoured eating it over whatever other meat. She further stated puppy meat had turned into a most loved food among a few people of the region, and had esteem.

In his view, Mr Isiaku Gambo, another buyer, guaranteed that pooch meat had therapeutic impact as it could serve as cure for a few sicknesses. He demanded that eating puppy meat kept one from any assault furthermore served as a cure to a few maladies.

He said, “If you serve me varieties like fish, cow, chicken and dog meat, I will opt for dog meat because the meat is nice.

“In this community, those who eat dog meat are the strongest.”              

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