Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Amazing how the hunter, was hunted and eaten by two crocodiles

How are the mighty fallen, as the hunter became the hunted, following the sad incidence of a prolific hunter who was eaten by two crocodiles amid a game shooting tour...

Monday, 3 April 2017

Neighbours invited to attend the wedding ceremony of Silver and Pedro

As we gradually approach this year’s summer season, the weather is becoming warmer, the day getting longer, flowers getting blooming, lambs are skipping around as the atmosphere is full of...

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

This heartbroken baby monkey seen weeping by her dead mum after being hit by a car

Even animals can be heartbroken sometimes. This was the case of a heartbroken baby monkey which wept and clung onto its dead mother’s body after a car knocked her down....

Paulo Saulino desperate to have intercourse with a British man with bionic male organ, after she promised 19 million s3x jamboree last year

A famous Italian model named Paulo Saulino who made a promise to engage in s3x act on over 19 million voters has announced how “great” it would be for her...

Monday, 13 March 2017

This drunk woman begged her drunk mates to break her legs

Over the years, alcohol have been blamed for the misfeasance of many people, and some deaths on the high way after being given totally to drunkenness. And today here is...

This man have spent over $50,000 just to become a genderless alien

Here is Vinny Ohh, who resides in Los Angeles wanting change to a ‘genderless’ extra-terrestrial, which has made Vinny to embark on more than 100 cosmetic surgeries. The next line...

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Well-dressed man supposedly going to work divert to River Thame to wash himself in dirty water

A well-dressed gentle man caught everyone’s attention with a great surprise as he was captured in a video clip, as he completely stripped himself naked to have himself washed on...

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

ARGENTINA: workers in a children hospital capture ghost of a baby in camera

Incredible as hospital workers claim to have seen and recorded the ghost of a young child as it hides behind a bed which was left out in a passage. Saying...

Monday, 27 February 2017

Aliens and Titanic actor Bill Paxton dead at 61 due to complications from surgery

Famous American actor Bill Paxton who acted films such like Aliens, Titanic, Apollo 13 and Twister – has been confirmed dead by members of his family on Saturday. Paxton reportedly...

Saturday, 25 February 2017

EuroMillion winner and single mum of four says she will not give a penny to her ex

37-year-old single mum of 4 who gather up the of £14.5 EuroMillions jackpot has stated in strong terms  that her ex would not be given any penny from her, as...

Friday, 24 February 2017

37-year-old single mum who lives on £400 weekly wins £14.5m Euromillions

Suffering and all manner of struggling ends for a single mum of 37 after she won a whopping sum of £14.5 million after participating in Euromillions. Bev Doran expressing how...

China introduces real life robot to detect crime, fire and also give people direction when they miss road

China at it again, as they have now introduced real life ‘Robocop’ called robot police officer which has the ability to identify criminals, find fires and also give someone directions...

Saturday, 18 February 2017

It will surprise you how this woman married her house just to avoid being evicted

This was a week full so many intrigues as a 43-year-old lady got married to her rented house just to ensure she does not lose it to anyone, including the...

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Eagles are being trained by French Airforce to intercept drones

French government to introduce new innovation as it moves to condition eagles to take part of their strategy to improve air safety in and around the country’s airspace due to...

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Jane Park who won EuroMillion at age 17 threatens to sue lotto company for allowing her to win

21-year-old British millionaire Jane Park cries out years after winning EuroMillions, as she accuses the lottery company for ruining her life. Jane was only 17 years old when she won...

Sunday, 12 February 2017

One of world’s most poisonous king cobra caught with bare hand by a snake catcher

Upon sighting the venomous cobra close to their residential homes, villagers immediately made a call to the snake catcher to get it out of the environment. Surprisingly, when the catcher...

Friday, 10 February 2017

Woman breastfeeds piglet in the public during a TV interview

An interviewee stuns a reporter with her bizarre lifestyle by breastfeeding a pig during a live interview with the journalist, while asking people in San Juan de Lurigancho, in Lima,...

Thursday, 2 February 2017

A lady from Oregon got her ball python stuck into her earlobe

Ashley Glawe owner of a ball python was forced to seek urgent medical attention after her pet snake named Bart stuck somewhere annoying. Sadly – for Ashley and for Bart...

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Will you spend £180,000 just to alter your God's given sex and still not be satisfied?

Read what kelly has been going through after spending so much to change gender from male to female. In the wake of spending an amazing £180k on surgery to wind...

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

27-year-old Model Paola Saulino who promised over 19m voters says she is tired after pleasuring 400, but said she will try and keep to her word

Paola Saulino aged 27, who told 19.4 million voters that she play s3x act laments how tired she is after the first 400, nevertheless, she insisted that she will keep...