Friday 19 August 2016

PERSECUTION: Cuban government arrests pastors and destroy church buildings

Persecution of Cuban Christians

Persecution of Christian in Cuba is on the rise, as the government seizes not less than 1,400 church building belonging to Assemblies of God Churches.

 In a report made available by the Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), it was revealed that many of such buildings have been demolished already.

According to the group, the churches were earmarked for seizure in 2015 and to date, many have been impounded and demolished.

As if that was not enough, so many Pastors have been detained, harassed and their possessions have been seized.

A major crackdown is said to be on the way as about 100 other churches will be demolished in the weeks ahead, said CSW.

To justify the persecution of Christians, the Cuban government have accused the Assemblies of God churches of not being registered, thus making them illegal.

Furthermore, CSW has reported nine cases of harassment against church leaders in 2016, including those detained whilst their churches were being demolished.

One of such case was when Rev Mario Felix Lleonart Barroso was arrested hours before President Barack Obama arrived in Cuba on an official visit.

In his words, CSW's Chief Executive Mervyn Thomas said: "CSW is alarmed by the escalation of violations throughout Cuba, but humbled and inspired by the courage and perseverance of the many religious communities who continue to peacefully resist government pressure.

"We remain disappointed by the broken promises for reform on the part of the Cuban government and urge it to change course.

"We call on the international community and in particular the United Kingdom, European Union and the United States government to stand in solidarity with Cuban citizens by pressing the Cuban government to halt these repressive actions."

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